At our core, we’re dedicated to building bridges, not barriers. Our commitment to cross-border and international shipping solutions connects eCommerce businesses to the world seamlessly. Backed by a trusted network of logistics partners, we deliver every parcel with precision and care. Let’s grow your business together!
Our flexible, optimized solutions streamline your supply chain, ensuring faster, more reliable deliveries.
Our international shipping service supports e-commerce businesses in Bolivia, helping you expand into key markets like Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Peru, and the United States. Get an accurate international shipping quote with competitive international shipping rates tailored to your needs. Whether you sell clothing, handmade products, or supplements, our cost-effective international shipping prices and specialized logistics help you reach more customers quickly and safely.
Get real-time information
Our tracking system provides information on shipment movements, from customs to last mile.
Need help?
Where is my package?
Tracking your package on THEBLSCO.com will give you the most up-to-date information about the status of your shipment.
Track a package
Can I send more than one product in the same package?
Yes, remember that the contents of your shipment must comply with the permitted characteristics. Wrap each product separately, with packaging materials suitable for its protection.
What are 3PL and 4PL suppliers and their role in warehousing and logistics?
A 3PL operator provides transportation and warehousing services to a manufacturer, as an intermediary between the manufacturer and its customers, but the 3PL operator does not own the goods it stores and distributes, so orders and invoices are managed by the manufacturer itself.
Meanwhile, a 4PL (“Fourth Party Logistics”) operator, also called LLP (“Lead Logistics Provider”), does not have its own physical resources (fleets, warehouses, etc.), but does provide logistics consulting, planning, integration of new technologies, management, localization, etc. services. It also delegates the execution of physical functions to the most appropriate 3PL operators for each case. In this way, a 4PL operator acts as a unique interface between the manufacturer and its supply chain.
What is logistics distribution?
Logistics distribution is responsible for getting the merchandise from one place to another in the time, form and quantity indicated, satisfying the needs of the end user. Distribution is one of the phases of the supply chain, its logistic approach is focused on finding the best system to place the product where the customer needs it.
Why is there no information about my shipment?
It may be due to:
Wrong Tracking or tracking code
It is not yet registered in the system.
Prohibited items
Access the BLS list of items not allowed for shipping: